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Carnaval Breeze 01132019

Cruising Ducks - How It All Began – A Modern Twist of Hide and Seek During spring break in 2018 Abby Davis, at age 11 went on a 7 day cruise out of Galveston, Texas. She asked her mother if she could bring along some ducks for their trip. They brought 50 ducks for their 7 day trip and hid 7 ducks a day in various locations on their cruise ship, The Carnival Breeze. People of all ages found the ducks and had fun while doing so. Abby actually met a girl on the trip who told Abby how she was finding hidden ducks. In a year’s time this movement has taken on a life of its own far beyond, surely what little Abby imagined it could possibly become. Many cruisers report, while preparing for their trip, assembling upwards of 100 ducks they planned to bring and hide on their upcoming cruise. The entire purpose behind hiding these ducks on cruise ships is a way to spread a smile to other cruisers. Gratification nor praise is sought in doing so. It is the sincere hope of the hider of this duck you have found that you have had fun in a modern twist of hide and seek. If you wish to learn more about Cruising Ducks, please feel free to join the Facebook page and tell of your adventures! This particular duck you have found is a Unicorn-Duck. One of four siblings who joined IVy (age 7) and Ainnir (age 5), grand-children to Nokoma, on board the Carnival Breeze for a 7 day Caribbean cruise along with their grandfather, parents, great-grandfather and Nonnie. We departed Cape Canaveral, Florida on April 13, 2019. We hope you had a wonderful vacation and thank you for taking the time to come here to let us know of your find.
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4/20/2019 9:54:59 PM Ghutfless

Owner: Nokoma

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Ghutfless 4/20/2019 9:57:45 PM
My daughter found her first duck on the Carnival Breeze our last day of our cruise, April 19, 2019! We decided to bring it home with us to Daphne, Alabama! We’ll take it with us our next trip! :)

GUID: a864cb63-2aca-4f8c-85cc-b8bb313f198e

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