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Cammino di Santiago IT

QR code tracciabili per chi lascia i propri beni ad altri pellegrini e vuole vedere dove sono. Trackable QR codes for those who leave their belongings to other pilgrims and want to see where they are. Códigos QR rastreables para quienes dejan sus pertenencias a otros peregrinos y quieren ver dónde se encuentran.
Date User City State Country Map
7/11/2024 8:33:20 AM Decentralized Administration of Thessaly and Central Greece Grecia
7/11/2024 8:11:21 AM Verona Veneto Italia
7/11/2024 8:08:49 AM Verona Veneto Italia
7/11/2024 8:08:10 AM Verona Veneto Italy

Owner: CamminoSantiago

Users Watching this item: CamminoSantiago  

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