We have worked with "The Coin Factory (TCF)" in the past. "The Coin Factory" is happy to engrave coins with our geotrackable alphanumeric codes for almost no additional cost over traditional sequential numbering. Upon request geotrackable.com will provide the requested quantity of codes for the factory in CSV, excel, or plain text.
Check out the Geotrackable.com "E Pluribus Unum" Trackable Geocoin
Both Geotrackable.com and "The Coin Factory" are non-biased about designs or corporate sponsorship. Corporate logos or controversial coin designs are up to the discretion of the coin manufacturer. Geotrackable.com does not require any kind to design preview or minimum quantity to provide trackable Codes for Geocoins. Geotrackable.com will never intentionally "Shut off Codes" for any reason unless required by law.
Geotrackable.com codes are not trackable at Geocaching.com
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